Monday, November 8, 2010

Inspirational Posters: How Word and Image Work Together

The general format and design of these posters were originally created to inspire people, hence the name “Inspirational” Posters. These posters are created by juxtaposing a motivational word under an amazing photograph taken from basically anywhere in the world. The principles of arts incorporated into the photograph are methods that further strengthen the message of the poster.
In this photograph, the juxtaposition of the image and word conveys a feeling of kinesthetic empathy that draws an emotional response from the audience. Seeing these cute little penguins in nature fearlessly dive head-first into the ice water inspires human to feel that if such animals can have enough courage to leap so far down, we can do it too. The poster quotes Mark Twain, “Courage is resistance to fear, mater of fear- not absence of fear” which supports the image and is used to strengthen and give a more direct message to the reader. This photograph is remarkably taken due to its monochromatic background of blue. The vertical positioning of the photograph creates a feeling of strength and power that can further motivate people to take a leap of faith in whatever they are trying to achieve. The left-most penguin on the ledge that is about to dive into the water exemplifies the use of psychic line. The positioning of his downward-angled head guides viewer’s eyes towards the single penguin, the focal point emphasized by isolation, that is about to hit the water. The visual balance of this photograph is also striking because even though the huge block of iceberg is shifting the visual weight to the right, the leftward movement of the penguins drives the image to equilibrium. Overall, the success of these inspirational posters is mainly due to its use of both images and words to convey an idea and emotion.
Many people, as a result, imitated the format for these posters, and instead of motivating people, used it to draw a more humorous response.

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