Monday, October 11, 2010

Finding Creativity From Our Surrounding

It is October, and I can already see the leaves on the trees changing colors from green to yellow, orange, and red. The warm breeze of the wind animates the trees and brings them to life, lifting the already-fallen leaves off the ground and sending them into a spiraling frenzy. The fallen red and yellow leaves reminded me of Andy Goldsworthy’s Rowan Leaves Laid Around a Hole, 1987. Goldsworthy is an excellent example of an artist who was able to find creativity from his surrounding and the things he sees.

Although I admire all his artworks, I am especial awestruck by not only his creativity, but his ability to create the Icicle Star, which he pieced together with saliva. Each icicle stick he carefully collected, in the shape of a long cone, is delicate and perfectly straight. Goldsworthy created an illusion, make the star appear to stand or float on its own in the picture. It is truly amazing to see how by simply using only nature as a source of inspiration and medium, humans can tap into their artistic gift and create something so beautiful. Sometimes, going back to the most basic inspirations, we are able to create the most beautiful artwork.

So for those who are artists or designers, the next time you become frustrated at the inability to think of something creative, simply a stroll through the forest or in nature as a way to relax from the stress. You might just find the inspiration you were searching for.

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