Monday, October 11, 2010

UCD ASID (American Society of Interior Designers)

I recently attended the first UCD ASID (American Society of Interior Designers) meeting held at Walker Hall last Tuesday, and although I understand that there are very few Interior Design students at UC Davis, I was still rather sad to see how few people showed up for it. To my astonishment, the club president seemed rather impressed by the turn out, mentioning that this was more than she had originally expected. This furthered my disappointment.

However, besides my opinion of a small turn out, the club itself seems very active. ASID has a clear goal to focus on its members and help provide them with resources for their future career. The officers are also very helpful and welcoming. During the first meeting, we were shown a PowerPoint which introduced the important design professors whom we already have or might have in future classes. And although I am still only a first year, ASID not only provided us with a list of excellent graduate schools that has a strong Design focus, it also listed the requirements to get into the schools. Knowing the requirements early is extremely beneficial so that we won’t accidentally miss something when the time comes. 
 Slide from ASID Ppt
ASID is also already looking for potential future officers to train so that those who graduate in 2011 will be able to leave ASID in strong hands. So for those of you designers reading my blog and interested in applying for ASID officer position, email them at for an application, and turn it in before October 17th!

And for those of you reading this blog, whether you may be a graphics design major, a fashion major or not even in the field of design, you are all welcome to join ASID. Who knows, they just might be handing out free cookies like the first meeting that I went to!

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